Current Score
2.41 / 5.00 ????????
when it comes to ratings, newgrounds is totally useless.
This is a brilliant piece. very professional and I have nothing to complain.
You totally deserve a 5 and a 10 ^^
Well done!
Current Score
2.41 / 5.00 ????????
when it comes to ratings, newgrounds is totally useless.
This is a brilliant piece. very professional and I have nothing to complain.
You totally deserve a 5 and a 10 ^^
Well done!
Thank you so much.... This was what I was looking for! Thanks for actually doing anything to progress my music making. I commend you!!
pretty good!
it sounds clear and professional. the melody is nice, though the synths seem to be a little offbeat at some places, but that's ok. it makes the song more authentic..
Good work!!
omg I'm sorry for my bad english ;)
i don't know this song.. maybe it's because i never played FF...
But that doesn't change the fact that it's totally mindbreaking awesome.
I think you'll get into the tops with this. good job! 5'd 10'd faved
yeah, i know exactly what you mean. sometimes those beats in my mind make me get up and make a song ;)
first i thought the melody is totally random.. but after a while it gets a nice structure. well done lad. nice bass, nice quality, nice song!
keep it up
I have to be honest, i love your music.. but this song sticks out.
it seems to be chaotic and some elements just don't fit together.
It starts promising like a minimalistic techno track, but as the second synth comes in, the confusion begins.
but don't worry, it's the only one I don't like ;)
Fair enough. :)
Bagpipes (xoX)
the first 3 parts are completely awesome. my absolute favourite is the harp. the melody is catchy right off the start.
but seriously, why bagpipes...... WHY?!
you've got my 5 and a 10 tho' i hate bagpipes, well done ;)
Hey there
The idea is awesome. could be a great minimalistic track. the bassdrum fits in nice. but the other percuisson just the track. it really seems to be too much. but that's what I think. well done anyway! keep at it!
Thx :) it did go a litle bit over tho :D
Hi! ^^
Hehe, i've heard your song "I'm done" and I was so impressed that I didn't think you could've made other songs :D
Now I'm checking out your stuff and in conclusion... this is really brilliant.
You just made yourself a new fan!
Sossu is totally wrong!
DJ's are there to entertain the crowd, no matter if they have produced the track they're playing or not!
it really needs work. But it's a very good start! keep at it!
4.40 / 5.00 (+ 0.11)
Hey man, nice piece you've made here..
though every instrument seems to bery very rough, it has a calming feel to it.
the melody is nice.
I enjoyed this, good work! you've got my 5 ;)
thanks man, im glad you enjoyed
I learn from the mistakes of people who take my advise
Joined on 3/24/09